
How to Get Instant Feedback on Any PowerPoint or Google Slides Presentation

Whether it’s in an in-person presentation or in an online presentation, we all use filler words even when we’re trying to avoid them. The only way to correct that habit is to practice. Microsoft’s Presenter Coach can help you and your students decrease the use of filler words like “umm” and “ahh.”

Presenter Coach is a function built into the online version of PowerPoint. Google Slides users, before you abandon this post you should know that there is a way for you to use Presenter Coach.

Presenter Coach in PowerPoint will give you instant feedback on the pacing of your presentations, your use of filler words, and your use of sensitive phrases. In this short video I provide an overview of how Presenter Coach works.

Google Slides users can also use Presenter Coach. To do that you’ll need to create a free Microsoft account at PowerPoint.com. Then you can download your Google Slides as a PPTX file and import it into PowerPoint to use Presenter Coach. That might sound like a lot of work, but it’s not. This short video shows you the three step process.

Finally, if you’ve ever wondered why we use filler words, check out this TED-Ed lesson on the topic.

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