Physics and Photographs

This post was inspired by my daughters and the things they’ve found fun in the last week.

Physics Simulations

Last Friday I took my six-year-old to the Connecticut Science Center. We enjoyed all of it. One of her two favorite things was a pulley system that she could use to hoist herself into the air. The other was a station where she could test paper helicopter designs.

Seeing my daughter enjoy those exhibits prompted me to think about PhET. PhET is a great resource that I’ve used and recommended for years. PhET provides interactive physics and chemistry simulations that you can include in your PowerPoint slidesembed into webpages, or use directly on the PhET website.

Photographs Become a Movie

Both of my daughters have little digital cameras made for kids. Last weekend my five-year-old started taking pictures on her own of all of her Toniebox characters. When I saw her doing that I said, “do you want to make a movie about your Tonies?” She loved that idea!

We used Adobe Express to make my daughter’s movie about her Toniebox characters. She selected the pictures she wanted to use, I uploaded them to Adobe Express, and she put them in order. She then recorded her voiceover for each picture. You can see her movie here and see a tutorial on how to use Adobe Express here.

Making & Teaching With Animated Explanations

If you’re looking for a new and fun classroom project, give animated explanations a try. I have a self-paced course in which you can learn all about it!

Summer Plans!

Spring just arrived here in the northern hemisphere and with that I’m now planning my summer schedule including summer workshops at schools. If you’d like to have me host a workshop at your school this summer, please get in touch for more details.