
Practical Ed Tech Tip of the Week – Personalize Your Google Profile Icon

When your school issues you a new Google Apps for Education account your profile picture will just be a simple letter icon featuring your first initial. Likewise, if you create a new Gmail account you will have just a standard initial icon. Many people leave it that way only because they don’t know how easy it is to change it. In the video below I demonstrate how to change your Google profile image.

Changing your Google Apps profile image can help with name recognition so that parents begin to put a face with a name as soon as they start receiving emails from you. They won’t have to wait until the first parent-teacher conference or open house night to make the association between your face and name.

If you have more than one teacher in your district with the same name or similar name (at one point there were three Mr. Burns and a Mr. Byrne in my district) students seeing an email with your profile picture can visually confirm that they are emailing the correct person.

Here are this week’s most popular posts on FreeTech4Teachers.com:
1. A Short Overview of 12 Tools for Creating Flipped Classroom Lessons
2. 5 Ideas for Using Google Sites in Your Classroom
3. Three Google Apps Updates You Might Have Missed Last Week
4. New Polling Feature Added to Google Classroom
5. Mozilla Releases an Interactive Web Literacy Map
6. How to Change Your Google Profile Image & Why You Should
7. Six Tools for Creating Videos on Chromebooks

Spring and Summer PD Opportunities With Me
  • Discounted early registration for the Practical Ed Tech Summer Camps is available through the end of the month.
  • Getting Going With GAFE is an online course designed to help you get the most out of Google Apps for Education in your school. Three graduate credits are available with this course.
  • Blogs & Social Media for Teachers & School Leaders is an online course that will help you create a great school or classroom blog and support with a robust social media strategy. Three graduate credits are available with this course.
  • Teaching History With Technology is an online course designed to help teachers develop engaging and challenging learning activities through the use tools like Google Earth and Maps, video production tools, primary source databases, and how to help your students become better researchers.