
Practical Ed Tech Tip of the Week – Use Google Keep Within Google Docs

Google Keep is my favorite tool for bookmarking websites, creating reminders for myself, and recording quick notes in text and or audio format. Recently, Google Keep got even better when Google announced that you can now import your Google Keep notes into your Google Documents. The option to import notes from Google Keep appears in the “tools” menu in Google Docs. From there you can select the notes and bookmarks that you would like to import into your document. The Keep to Docs import feature could be a great way for students to organize the webpages that they plan to use in a works cited page.

In the following video I demonstrate how to import Google Keep notes into Google Docs.

Here are this week’s most popular posts from FreeTech4Teachers.com:
1. Google Keep Is Now Part of G Suite’s Core Services
2. Three Free Tools Students Can Use to Dictate Notes
3. Planning Your Video Project – A Guide for Students
4. Virtual Reality in Education
5. Best of the Web 2017
6. Teach Your Monster to Read Minigames
7. How to Create Strong Passwords

Join me this summer for the Practical Ed Tech Chromebook Camp or the Practical Ed Tech BYOD Camp. Early registration and group discounts are available.