
Ten Ways to Use Google Earth In Your Classroom

During the ISTE conference at the end of June Google announced that Google Earth can now be added into your G Suite for Education domain. This means that your students can use their G Suite account credentials to use the web version of Google Earth. The web version of Google Earth can be used on a Chromebook.

When most teachers hear “Google Earth” they think that it’s only a tool for social studies classrooms. It can also be used well in science, language arts, and math classes. In the PDF embedded below I outline ten ways to use Google Earth in school. (Click here if you cannot see the PDF).

In the following video I provide an overview of the web version of Google Earth.

Here are this week’s most popular posts:
1. A Calendar of G Suite Updates
2. A Good Tool for Quickly Creating Comics
3. An Interactive Display of the Declaration of Independence
4. How to Use Unio to Deliver Lessons to Students’ Screens
5. A Random Name Picker for Your Classroom
6. How to Add Images to Google Slides
7. How to Find Google Docs Published by Others

Individual and group registration is still open for the Practical Ed Tech Chromebook Camp and the BYOD Camp. Register with a group and get a great discount!

Two online courses starting this week:

  • Teaching History With Technology is a three week course for middle school and high school social studies teachers. This course starts on Monday.
  • Practical Ed Tech Jumpstart is the course for anyone who has looked at the educational technology landscape and wondered, “where do I start?” This course starts on Tuesday.