Everything You Need to Know to Create Quizzes With Microsoft Forms

For years I hosted workshops about formative assessment and included uses of Google Forms in those workshops. Whenever I did that there were people who felt left out because their schools used Microsoft instead of Google. A few years ago that changed when Microsoft introduced Microsoft Forms.

Microsoft Forms has some excellent features for creating self-grading quizzes. In fact, there are some elements of Microsoft Forms that I prefer over Google Forms. This post features four videos that demonstrate all of the features of Microsoft Forms that you need to know to create multimedia self-grading quizzes with Microsoft Forms.

The Basics

The video below covers all of the basics of setting up your first quiz with Microsoft Forms. The video includes writing multiple choice and short answer questions, customizing the look of your quiz, how to share your quiz, and how to view responses to your quiz.

Helpful Settings You Should Know

This short video covers how to change access permissions, how to limit attempts at a quiz, how to shuffle questions, and how to hide or reveal quiz scores.

How to Use Videos in Microsoft Forms

This video shows you exactly what the title says. Watch it to learn how to use videos in your Microsoft Forms.

How to Create Multiple Section Microsoft Forms

Watch this video to learn why you might want to create multiple sections of a quiz and how to do it correctly. The short version is, you might create multiple sections so that you can use the same quiz for multiple classes but see how each class performed. You might also use it to create a quiz that has different topics and then see how your students performed on each topic.

On-demand Professional Development

Did you know that I offer a series self-paced PD courses? You can view them all right here or as listed below.