gotFeedback – An AI-powered Feedback Tool for Teachers

gotFeedback is a new tool that you can use to more efficiently give your students feedback on their writing. As the title of this post stated, gotFeedback uses artificial intelligence to help you provide your students with feedback on their writing. 

gotFeedback has four default options for analyzing a document. Those options are narrative structure, details in the writing, claims in the writing, and use of evidence in the writing. You can also enter a custom aspect of the writing for gotFeedback to analyze. gotFeedback offers some guidance on how to write a custom prompt for analyzing writing. 

After analyzing a document gotFeedback provides a written evaluation. You can copy the text of the evaluation and paste it into your own document where you can edit it to provide more personalized feedback for your students. 

How to Use AI to Analyze Students’ Writing

To use gotFeedback you can either upload a document (PDF or Word) or paste the text of a document into gotFeedback. After uploading or entering a document you then select the element of writing that you want gotFeedback to analyze. 

Watch my video that is embedded below to see how you can use gotFeedback to analyze your students’ writing.

More Time-saving Tips

Time-savings is one of the potential benefits of using gotFeedback to analyze your students’ writing. For even more time-saving tips, check out Ten Time-savers for Teachers that I published on one of my other sites.