Intro to Teaching History With Technology – Webinar Recording

Yesterday afternoon I hosted a webinar titled Intro to Teaching History With Technology. 107 people joined the webinar. If you missed it, you can watch the recording now on my YouTube channel or as embedded below.

The slides that I used during the webinar are available to view on my Canva page or as embedded below.

My full Teaching History With Technology course begins on April 13th. You can register for it right here. Register by Friday and use the code THWT2021 to save $15.

Ten Topics in Teaching History With Technology

  • Search Strategies & Organization
  • Video Projects & Video Lessons
  • Making History Podcasts
  • Google Earth & Maps
  • Multimedia Timelines
  • Digital Portfolios
  • AR & VR in History Lessons
  • Making Virtual Tours
  • Making History Apps
  • Tips for Remote Teaching